I usually try to avoid political topics, because nothing seems to send more people over the edge than butting heads over politics.  But there are two new items of a political nature that I think everyone needs to know about because they do affect animals.

The first is H. R. 3501, the “Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years” or HAPPY Act. This act, which has been submitted by Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), would allow pet owners to deduct pet care expenses (including veterinary care costs) from their taxes, up to a maximum of $3,500. The HAPPY Act is being considered in order to help relieve pet owners from costly taxes associated with caring for their pet. This is a wonderful piece of legislation, because it would allow people to provide better medical care for their pets and keep pets out of shelters and off the street when their owners feel they can’t afford to care for them.

To show your support for the HAPPY Act, visit the ASPCA’s web site under their Lobby for Animals page: https://secure2.convio.net/aspca/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2605

Once you are there, fill in your information and also add your own comments to the formatted letter if you’d like.  Then just hit Send Message to have the message sent to your U.S. representative.

There is also an excellent page on OpenCongress, which lists all the blog posts that have been written on the HAPPY Act so you can find out more: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h3501/blogs?sort=toprated

The second political issue is very big in the rural area where we are located.  It is Issue 2 and it will be on the ballot for all of us to vote on in Ohio on November 3.  Issue 2 is a proposal to amend the Ohio Constitution in order to create a 13-member Ohio Livestock Standards Board.  All of the signs I keep seeing that say to vote yes, explain that a yes vote will produce healthy food and humane treatment of animals. But I don’t think so.

I would urge everyone who believes that all animals need to be treated humanely to do their homework on this issue and Vote No.

First off, I want to state that the Humane Society of the United States is urging people who truly care about animals to say no to Issue 2. To read their reasons, please visit: http://www.hsus.org/legislation_laws/ballot_initiatives/ohio_issue_2.html#at

One of the main things that Issue 2 proponents are trying to avoid dealing with is the way animals that are used for food are housed.  This includes, cages so small chickens can’t spread their wings and pigs can’t move around. Veal calves that remain chained their short lives in tiny crates. Seven states, Arizona,California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, and Oregon have already passed legislation to do away with this type of inhumane confinement in “animal production” and those in favor of Issue 2 fear Ohio voters may decide to do the the same–which will cost them money.

Some also fear that by saying yes to Issue 2, the conditions of farm animals will not only be impacted but dogs in high volume breeding kennels. Puppy mills.

There was a nice article in The Columbus Dispatch on October 25, which I feel sheds light on the issues behind Issue 2: http://www.dispatchpolitics.com

Please take the time to read up on Issue 2 and learn the facts before voting.

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